Thursday, September 1, 2011

Does Your House Need A Fairy Godmother?

Would the prince have given Cinderella a second look if he had met her tending the hearth in her step-mother's home? Would her worn-out dress or the cinders on her cheeks have appealed to him? Doubtful. What would have happened if Cinderella never made it to the ball that night? The prince would have selected another wife. I'm not even going to wonder about the "happily ever after" part.

Is your house languishing on the market?

Could it be like Cinderella--not even getting a second look? Drab interiors, dated kitchens and baths, rooms that don't evoke "wow's". Is it overlooked in the sea of other houses on the market vying for buyers? Are other homes selling, but yours is not getting any offers?

In the fable, Cinderella's Fairy Godmother appears and, with the simple waves of her magic wand, transforms Cinderella from a cinder-covered lass into a beautiful fair maiden. Let's face it, the Fairy Godmother was astute at marketing--the right dress, hair, make-up, and let's not forget those glass slippers. No detail was left to chance--she even saw to the carriage, horses and footmen. And it worked. Cinderella walked into the ball, the prince was mesmerized by her stunning beauty and imagined . . well, her being his wife and the mother of all the future princes. He fell head over heels in love at that moment.

Isn't this what you want prospective buyers to do when they see your house--fall head over heels in love with it? Do you need a Fairy Godmother to help get your home sold in this market? While we all know that they don't exist, the next best thing is a professional home stager.

Astute at marketing, a professional home stager understands who is most likely to buy your home and "packages" it accordingly. Just like a Fairy Godmother, no detail is left to chance. They select the right wall colors, arrange furniture to showcase the space, add accessories to make rooms more inviting, and consult with you on other changes that will transform your house into a home fit for a prince!

It's your choice--cinders or the prince. If you are interested in "happily ever after", consult with a professional home stager in your area today.

Sell Higher | Sell Faster | Sell Smarter
Ballantyne Home Staging
Charlotte, NC

NOTE: This article is reposted with the permission of Janet Jones, Just Your Style Interiors, LLC, Kihea, Hawaii. | 980.322.5825 |

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